cool visits

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The carnivals are here!

Hello anonymous people, because of the carnivals, I have created one voki character. I hope you will enjoy the carnivals and this voki.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The Black Card Casino

Hello anonymous people, I have been working hard in a excellent project, the web page of The Black Card Casino!

In that page, I promote the Hansel-holver S.L.-s casino. And also some of my friends had been working with shops of the same company. But I hav
e to underline the good work of one of my friends. His page is a cultural shop called Art&M and is fabulous!

But that work is incomparable with my page, my page is so perfect that the pigs start flying when they see it. Really, I'm very happy with my page and I think that this is the opportunity to open one real shop.
I don't going to put the link of the web page because is only a project. The page is privet and only some destinated people have the opportunity to see that perfect page.

But here I let you one of the images of the web page: